Announce and organize upcoming events in the Librehosters network: meet up with like-minded people and friendly free software hosting organizations near you!
This category is used to announce upcoming events: each topic corresponds to a single event.
You may announce a new event by creating a new topic, indicating a moment in time. The event will appear in the category’s agenda. You may provide a location to the event, and request RSVP.
As an event organizer, please use the first post in the topic to clarify any information related to the event, such as:
- the purpose of the event
- directions to reach the meeting place or online venue(s)
- conditions to access the event (e.g., membership or fee)
- any practical information (flyer, external link)
- you may use tags to group associated events together (e.g., regular meetings): please respect other people’s tags and try to be creative enough so that no tags clash into each other.
As a participant, if an event has a “Going” button, you can use it to indicate your will to participate, and reply to the topic to ask details to the organizers or contribute to the event (either prior to the event to help organizing it, or during and after the event to document it).
Only upcoming events appear on the map: past events remain available as normal topics, closed topics don’t show on the map.