Online Meeting July 2020

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Meeting was attended by @realitygaps and @how. @anap showed up a little later and we decided to postpone the meeting to next month. It would be useful if others would tell whether it was Sunday or another reason that rendered this meeting useless.

Sunday was the main reason for my absense…
also, proposed 17/8 for next meeting, will also be impossible for me/us… ~10-25/8 is usually our vacation/closing time, -although still uncertain about this year-, but would be better with a late august/early september date.

I don’t join the Sunday meetings generally, only the Monday ones

Since Sunday does not seem to be a good moment, we can switch to Mondays only (but in the past some people complained they could not come on Mondays).

Since #todo topics are not activated in-between meetings and nobody seems able to formulate alternatives or critiques to existing proposals that have been lingering for months, can we consider they are accepted by timeout and no veto? Then we can move on to other more pressing matters such as organizing existing services and launching cooperation programs…

Yes, please.

if some sort of rebirth is to happen, it will likely not be during this summer with people being afk more often and no camps (pun).

What would you call organising existing services? And cooperation programs?

Those are already, informally, in place imo through the online tools ?

What I’d like to propose is if we can do some promotion of yunohost. Like some hacking sessions or get-to-know-some-repo or just some workshops. I’ve found it difficult to get into the project without that extra social encouragement, but I think they’re on the right track and they’ve won me over !

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We need people to step up and maintain services: most volunteers disappeared without a word, leaving dangling services. We don’t really know who is active maintaining them (apart @realitygaps and myself).

I was thinking about sharing backups and monitoring services, eventually collaborating to a data center (e.g., in BXL with Neutrinet), co-learning and crafting documentation and infrastructure-as-code, etc., like we discussed at the beginning.