Running Murmur (Mumble Audio Conferencing Server)

Mumble is a high-quality, low latency audio conferencing service that allows many people to connect at once and talk together with limited bandwidth. Originally thought as a gamer application, it can overlay to full-screen programs.

This document describes how to install Murmur, the mumble-server on Debian Buster and how to configure it and related services such as:

The following post is a wiki: please get acquainted with the recommendations before jumping in.

This is a wiki. Unless you have a good reason to edit (obvious typo, formatting enhancement), thank you for asking first by quoting the part you find problematic and explaining your change.

Installing Murmur

On Debian, this is as simple as running apt install mumble-server.


You can then configure the server by editing /etc/mumble-server.ini.


One of the nice thing to do is change the welcometext: you can use QT rich text to change it with caveats :

  • if you want images, links, etc. to appear, you must skip the quotes around attributes.
  • note that it’s better to use the data-uri scheme to store the image, like if you were sending email.


Configure welcometext to obtain the above result

For example, here is the entry for

# Welcome message sent to clients when they connect.
welcometext="<table style=border:none>
MjAyMC0wNC0wOVQxNjoyMzozMiswMjowMHR6P1oAAAAZdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAHd3dy5pbmtzY2FwZS5vcmeb7jwaAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC width=128></a></td>
        <td style=vertical-align:middle>
            <p>Welcome to petites singularités' PUBLIC voice service (powered by <b>Murmur</b>).
                <br />
                Enjoy your stay! If you need anything, please refer to the <a href=>related topic</a>.</p>
<p>This is a <a href=>PUBLIC</a> service. We expect you to <i>be excellent to each other</i>.</p>


# Maximum bandwidth (in bits per second) clients are allowed
# to send speech at.

@Amolith recommends using 130000 for better sound quality (like streaming music) or maximizing the number of simultaneous speakers. I did not test this setting yet, and have concerns about low-bandwidth situations where some people would boost their sound quality but overflow what’s available on slow links (e.g., UMTS connections) – in my experience so far people seem to be using between 40 - 55 Kpbs for voice for an acceptable quality.


# Maximum number of concurrent clients allowed.

TODO: document how much bandwidth is used per number of users… If we’d like to scale up to 400+ users, how much bandwidth do we need, or put otherwise: how many concurrent users can Murmur support on a 100Mbps link?


Channel nesting is a matter of preference I guess, but I can’t see a good reason to nest rooms tenfold since it will make it hard for humans to find their way through such a maze.

# Maximum depth of channel nesting. Note that some databases like MySQL using
# InnoDB will fail when operating on deeply nested channels.

SSL Setup

sslCert and sslKey allow to setup “a proper SSL certificate”. LetsEncrypt is your friend. One limitation of TLS support in Mumble is that it does not support PFS yet. You can use sslCiphers to limit connection to the best available ciphers but it remains suboptimal.

sslCiphers configuration
# The sslCiphers option chooses the cipher suites to make available for use
# in SSL/TLS. This option is server-wide, and cannot be set on a
# per-virtual-server basis.
# This option is specified using OpenSSL cipher list notation (see
# It is recommended that you try your cipher string using 'openssl ciphers <string>'
# before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you will get.
# After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your Murmur log
# to ensure that Murmur is using the cipher suites that you expected it to.
# Note: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your
# Murmur server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be able
# to connect to it.

TODO: select the best trade-off for compatibility with main Mumble clients, OpenSSL, LetsEncrypt, and security…


The GDPR encourages you to protect the privacy of your clients, so you can use the obfuscate setting to remove the connecting IP addresses from your logs.

# Hide user connected IP addresses in logs (GPDR power)

Using Murmur

Access Control Lists

TODO: Murmur has some ACL that are not obvious to pick up, so let’s put some use-cases to clarify their use.

User Registration and Authentication

TODO: Setting passwords, using client certificates, using ICE for SSO…



TODO: how to enable phone conferencing to Mumble


TODO: how to setup a simple Web client

  1. Create a dedicated user
    As root:
    adduser --system --disabled-login mumble 
    su - mumble -s /bin/bash
  2. Clone the mumble-web repository
    git clone
    cd mumble-web
  3. Configure
    • edit dist/config.local.js
  4. Install websockify
  5. Setup service
  6. Configure Nginx
    • cache! The mumble-web application is very heavy to load (one 1.95MB and another 7.3MB scripts).


TODO: how to integrate with a Matrix room so Matrix users can join a Mumble room.

mumble-web documentation tells to use a “jitsi” type and point it to the mumble client instead, but that did not work for me. I tried to use a “custom widget” but failed as well: the $matrix_display_name is not replaced with the user name – probably something to configure for the Synpase service to be able to use the identity service from Riot to fix it… Anyone?

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