Surviving Python packaging and Python 2 EOL

Dear librehosters,

A number of you may be on the receiving end of dealing with the widely acknowledged chaos within the Python package ecosystem. You may be relying on Python packages (transitively maybe within a project) that are going to be seeing some quite drastic changes in the coming months before 2020 (when Python 2 is EOL) if not already.

As someone who works in and around Python world, I’ve seen some two resources that I wanted to share which might be of use to the network. I know that some of you may be engaged in tricky discussions with package developers to get them to see the hoster perspective on topics of packaging, reliability and maintainability.

I think the best resource for understanding how to navigate Python 2 EOL is:

Topics on this page can be used to highlight responsibilities for packaging issues as well as know what you might need to do to prepare your system when a package upgrade is coming.

And I also invite you to participate (or just be aware of) the discussions happening on:

It is quite deeply technical but new perspectives are necessary.

Happy librehosting!

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